Septic Systems
The Village of Timbercreek Canyon Code of Ordinances states:
9.07 Building – Public Health – On-Site Sewage Facilities
A. All lots improved by the addition of a residence shall be required to install an
on-site sewage facility (OSSF).
B. The OSSF shall be permitted through the Amarillo Bi-City-County Health
District and shall be constructed in strict compliance with the provisions
governing OSSF installation.
C. Prior to occupancy, the owner shall provide to the Village a copy of the final
inspection and approval of the OSSF.
In no instance shall a single OSSF be used by structures on more than one lot nor shall a single
OSSF be used by multiple structures on a single lot without the prior approval of the Building
More information can be found in the Village of Timbercreek Canyon Code of Ordinances.