FireWise Activities
The Village cleanup days are usually scheduled on a Saturday in the Spring and Fall and everyone is encouraged to cleanup around their residence and property. Residents meet at the fire station to get assignments for the cleanup. The Garden Club provides maps, water, and snacks for all participating. The chip site will open one to two weeks before the assigned day and everyone can bring brush and limbs to the chip site on Hackberry. Everyone is encouraged to cleanup around their residence and property. The Texas Forestry Service will be available the following week and will chip the tree limbs and brush brought to the site. Enter through the gate and start stacking tree limbs and brush at the south berm working towards the north onto the old house slab. Leave the area on the east side clear so vehicles can exit up the south ridge and out on Hackberry south of the gate. This chip site is available only for tree limbs and brush, no building materials, no fencing, and no yucca. If you bring large limbs or tree trunks, they must be cut into sections that can be easily handled and deposited into the roll-off. The roll-off will be positioned on the side of the slab where the garage was located. Keep the area clear on the east side of the garage and to the south of the garage so the Texas Forestry Service can chip material into the roll-off. This service is provided by the Texas A&M Forestry Service and will aid the Village in abating the dangers of wild fire and reducing unwanted vegetation. Clearing brush around your property reduces a significant amount of fuel within the Village and will help mitigate a wild fire burning down the creek.